Tuesday, July 21, 2015

We need to be healthier

As I was scrolling though the opinion and commentary section on the San Antonio Express news website, I found a commentary by Esther J. Cepeda called Pay attention to what you eat, which talked about changing and become informed in what you consume. For many months now I've been trying to become a lot more healthier by replacing sugar with other natural sweeteners. This commentary is focusing on the average person who just like me aren't very educated in the food that we consume. This commentary appeals to everyone except for those who are already healthy and educated about things such as how to count your calorie consumption. She gives real life examples that are relatable to many people who aren't living a healthy lifestyle. She starts off by grabbing people's attention by listing scenarios that relate to the people she is trying to attract. The author seems to know what she is talking about. She gave many facts that support her claim and argument. She gave statistics that opened my eyes to the reality of what an unhealthy diet is doing to many people. I think she could have added one major experiment or research done by scientists on how the body is being affected to really convince the audience. I think her argument is valid. The suggestions she gave to a healthier lifestyle are very true. Many people are becoming obese and it is something that we need to take care of especially here in Texas. As people usually say "everything is bigger in Texas" is sometimes a bad thing. Especially in carnivals that take place in Texas that stick with the logo about having everything big in Texas. They usually have unhealthy carnival foods with twice the size they should be. Texas might not be the state with the highest obesity rate but it is one of the top states with obesity. Cepeda's argument should be a reminder to all of us to eat healthier and to remind us the positive effects that come from it.

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